nondescript : 2nd coming.
goodday, my fellow homo sapiens. i am back here again, providing yet another worthless update on my life. the paper at 0900 has passed and it is again approximately 0000 hours. the paper went relatively smoothly i suppose. i still have another paper tomorrow, after lunch.
i have to come to the realization that i have this incessant urge to update this waste of web space (oh no! we are running out of internet space! it is being filled by all this junk! what shall we do?? i think it is rather possible that one day the internet would be full of so much worthless information (such as this weblog(eek, a parenthesis in a parenthesis, in a parenthesis)) that finding any sort of information, despite using search engines, would require you to go through countless and countless of useless shit before coming to the desired item. also i realise that this parentheses is getting unbelievably long, perhaps longer than the actual paragraph itself. i remember mentioning i love parentheses. i really do love em.) during times of exams.
So, anyways, I think I shall write about something irrelevant today.
The life of Slithice, Naga Siren:
Well, to begin with, for the uninitiated, Slithice, you see, is this green skinned whore from the underwater red light district. Otherwise known as Jalan Chow Kit.
Why is she green you ask? Well my underling, your intelligence betrays you. I already said(or wrote. whatever) that she was from the red light district. It's pretty much common knowledge that all red light district whores are green skinned. I think it's cause they use too much cucumber cream for skincare.
Now, she was born from quite possibly, most likely, a broken condom used by some unknown guy to penetrate some unknown whore. Needless to say, the guy soon died of contracted STDs (Shitty Television Dramas), and the whore gave birth to the youngling that would soon grow up to be Slithice.
Her childhood was mostly mundane, bordering the monotonous, but she did learn a few skills along the way, such as:
Mirror Image - this is like, the real deal. She can turn into 4 babes, meaning 4 times the fucking, but for the price of 1! holy momma!
Ensnare - something on the BDSM (Badly Done Slimy Maggi) side of things. Some people reportedly love it when she throws a net over them and proceeds to shag them.
Critical Strike - when she hits the G-spot, she hits the G-spot.
However, her most famous talent is her ability to make a person enter a dream/fantasy land. By singing. Now, this might not make sense, but I believe the sleeping is caused by the boringness of her voice, or perhaps it is because her voice sounds so bad, people go directly into coma. Or something like that.
Well, to wrap up, she's still plying her trade, but now in a different area, known as DotA. So, if you feel like you in need of some action, do look for her. And I know you people out there do want to tap that ass. I mean, come on, which one of you DotA players haven't thought about slipping your hand along her sleek body and banging her 4 images. Or having her ensnare you with her lurve making. =)
This is your God-king, unprepared for exams, signing off.
Goodnight, and goodluck.
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