e hënë, 16 tetor 2006

wazzup i inda house yoohoo

hello allbody. i am sure that if u hav been checking the timestamps on my posts u will be noticing many long break since my last post and the one before it. so i am going to tell about what has happening in that times. here i will try to supply a coherent account of the going ons. i did not do much really actually truthfully i only went about with my business(not literally, i dont own a business hawhaw) i.e. studying and shit. yes, i shit alot. i wont apologize becoz actually the food i eat gets digested and turned into feces that i release into the toilet bowl. it is like dropping chemical bombs into the water supply of a tiny nation. then its people get genetically mutated by the chemicals making them superstrong snails. with their strength they plot to take over the world but they cannot because the french eat them as a delicacy. thoughts seep into the cracks of my mind, why is there this i.e. and e.g. things in the english language? they are latin. so how come when i use them in my essay it is not marked wrong. becoz if i put in malay somewhere there i would be getting many crosses in my essay. ya makes little sense to me. because sense rarely is big. big sense is like big cojones. if u got big cojones, you da man, man!
it is hot here at the computer table. so hot becoz of me. i dont melt ice.. i melt solid steel that is how hot i am. so that is all i guess hope u enjoyd reading about my doings. have a nice day n dont forget to wash ur genitals.

e diel, 15 tetor 2006

untitled no.1

Greetings and salivations. Unfortunately I have not been updating this blog, time and creativity have taken a huge drain. Pathetic I know. However you can visit pileofshit.blogdrive.com where I do post albeit unfrequently. Some of my more recent postings can be viewed there.

Why has my imagination run dry? Without anything actually interesting, or funny or of substance to type about I am hopeless. I mean, what is this post even about? And when did i have any substance in the first place? Maybe it's cause my finals are starting tomorrow that I am writing now. Yeah, I love wasting my time instead of studying. At least I'm not idling around right?

So I recently reinstalled GTA : VC on my com and played it all over again. This time, I went for a 100% completion for the game. And it was going all fine and dandy until I came to the unique jumps bit.( I will assume that you all will know what I am talking about because you are all computer geeks like me and have played a wide array of games since you somehow managed to reach my blog no matter how cleverly hidden it is) . So I needed to complete 36 unique jumps to achieve my 100% rate, and I just can't finish all of them. Yes, I stupidly did not write down which jumps I had already completed and since the game programmers were equally stupid in not programming some sort of checklist into the game itself, I could not finish the jumps. I have been stuck at 34 jumps for over two weeks, and no matter how many maps and hints I refer to on the internet I cannot figure out what to do. I have tried going through all the jumps, multiple times, and I still can't finish it. My patience has definitely gone beyond its limit and into unknown territory. EUREKA! I figured out how real life acts of violence (i.e. teenage kids going on shooting sprees and shit.) are connected to violent games like GTA as is usually reported in the news media. Its not the inherent violence in the game thats causing it, but the frustration that the game brings about in the player. (I do feel like shooting people. The game programmers in particular.) Come on if the cause was the violence in the game then when I play something like katamari I should feel like rolling myself into a ball and rolling around glue-ing stuff onto myself. Or how about frogger, I don't have the incessant urge to cross a busy road and get rammed over by a car. (I love parantheses, this one serves no purpose, but you will read it anyways :))

No humour in this post and its time for me to hit the sack so that I won't be too sleepy for my exam tomorrow. Goodnight cruel world.

e mërkurë, 12 prill 2006

tee hee!

yeah friendster blogs sucks. i can't put a web counter on it or do anything on it really. other than type. i have to 'upgrade' my blog to a paid version. yeah, there are so many free blog services out there and i want to pay for my friendster one just to get the same features. sure, that's an easy choice to make. what the hell are the people running friendster thinking? that their users have the collective i.q. of 10? hellooo, if we did we would think getting on the web was sitting on top of a spider.

"Learn more about your adoring fans.

If you upgrade to a paid version of Friendster Blogs, you can view statistics about how many people are visiting your blog, and where they're coming from!"

man i'd love to learn more about my adoring fans out there. i know there are many. cause they all line up outside everyday just to get a glimpse of me. just to get a whiff of my smell. just to eat the scraps that fall off my table..
it is my fans that give me motivation to do the great things i do. like lick my elbow. (almost there now.. if only i could extend my tongue a little more..)

well this is all for now. until more uncreativity strikes me, buy!


hi hello hola. i want to write a new post because i haven't written anything in my ownagering completeing amazering blog thingy. however i cannot think of anything remotely interesting to write about as i am struck with blogger's block (haha hehe huhu). i am sincerely out of ideas. i'm as empty as a new trash can. hopefully it will only take a while before i am filled up to the brim with rubbish and then the rubbish man doesn't come to pick up the trash which is dumb because then the place starts to really smell and it attracts all sorts of creatures like ravenous rats. 1 colourless and 1 black mana to cast. 1/1. target opponent discards 1 when ravenous rats comes into play. and by the way, whats with the english and american spellings? colour and color. i mean, wtf? (wonder tea fish) why make it different. essentially it's the same language. but nooo.. they just had to differ on it. is it because the americans just had to be different from the english? superiority? or is that the english just had to make it tough by spelling it with and extra 'u'.. what is the 'u' in there for? doesn't it sound exactly the same without it? this is all too mind boggling for me. my tiny brain cannot handle such dilemmas. i need to write to big bro to help me now.. or aunt thelma.

"hellooooo there, i need help please, i like A but A likes B.. but B is with C who was with A before but is now with D. D was with me but now D likes E. E is with me now but we are not doing to well. then i met F and G last week and now i want both of them too. But F and G are together happily.. tell me, what should i do?"

yeah, hopefully things will clear up after i get a reply from bro or aunt. i think aunt would be better, i mean what do guys know about relationships right? all they want is the pussy. but then again, maybe an auntie is wayyy too old fashioned. she might suggest me using a battle-axe to settle things.

well excuse me now, i think H and I are outside, i invited them over earlier.


e diel, 12 shkurt 2006

ZzOMg l33t pOsT

Kjo përmbledhje nuk ofrohet. Kliko këtu për të shikuar postimin.

e premte, 3 shkurt 2006


Hello fellow internet users! How do you do today? I am doing it fine.

So most people have some wise and thought provoking quotes on their blogs by some philosopher or another usually. For example, "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
Very very meaningful. Makes me take a step back and reanalyze life. I think I ought to go and make more life in my years. Like, cleaning up the house, finishing up my work, and so forth. That was by Abraham Lincoln by the way. I applaud those people who put up this quotations. It makes them look so intelligent and sophisticated. I mean wow, I wanna be just as cool as you guys. So I am going to quote someone. Myself.

"If life fucks you up, cum in it's face."

Cheers, and may you gain some insight into the many intricacies of life from my quote. Who knows maybe one day my quote will be famous and quoted all over millions of blogs worldwide.

e enjte, 2 shkurt 2006


Yoohooo! HELLO. Blogging is cool and good fun. You get to express yourself and tell everyone about your activities and doings and thoughts and so forth.

Well today I woke up in the morning. I brushed my teeths (tits. LOL OMG SO FUNNY GOOD JOKE). I wash my face. I eat breakfast. I go out. I use the computer. I go out some more. I use the computer some more. Then at 2.50 AM I write in this blog what I did today. I will be going to sleep soon.

I didn't mention showering because I actually didn't take any in my day at all! HAHA I AM A REAL MAN. Real men don't clean themselves like girlies or pansies. We have it cavemen style.

I am on the verge of orgasm from the joy of blogging. Man, could anything be more fun. I also love reading other peoples blogs so that I know everything they do in their incredibly exciting lives. I mean, like just the other day, I chatted with a girl online. LOLOLOL! I am like a first rate casanova. I rock! So everyone, keep blogging if you already are. And for those of you who haven't started, GET TO IT NOW! You will never feel such joy ever in your life like that of blogging. Well, except for the joy of making sculptures using pubic hair.